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Marcellvs L. was born in 1980 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and since 2006 lives between Berlin and Seyðisfjörður. Working in both video and sound, he exhibited internationally since the mid 00'. Among recent solo exhibitions are Ontologia Lenta at Galeria Luisa Strina (2018), Slow Ontology at carlier | gebauer (2015), Indiferença at Galeria Luisa Strina (2013), COMMA34 at Bloomberg Space (2011), VideoRhizome at Kunsthalle Wien in Vienna and Infinitesimal at carlier | gebauer Berlin in 2010. Further solo shows were at PhotoEspana in Madrid in 2008, at Museu de Arte da Pampulha in Belo Horizonte (2007) and at Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo (2007). He participated in numerous group exhibitions and Biennials such as 16th Biennale of Sydney (2008), 9th Biennale of Lyon (2007) and 27th Biennale of São Paulo (2006). He exhibited at MAC - Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon (2014), Helsinki Art Museum (2013), Astrup Fearnley Museet em Oslo (2013), Living Art Museum em Reykjavik (2011), Singapore Art Museum (2009), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia (2008), ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art in Karlsruhe (2008) and Museum of Modern Art in Sao Paulo (2007). Including some of the prices he has received are the Ars Viva Price 07/08 and the main prize of 51st International Short Film Festival Oberhausen in 2005.
Marcellvs L. nasceu em 1980 em Belo Horizonte, Brasil e vive desde 2006 entre Berlim e Seyðisfjörður. Trabalha com vídeo e som e exibe internacionalmente desde meados dos anos 2000. Entre as exposições individuais recentes estão a Slow Ontology na carlier | geabuer em Berlim (2015), Indiferença na Galeria Luisa Strina em São Paulo (2013), COMMA 34 no Bloomberg SPACE em Londres (2011), VideoRhizome no Kunsthalle Wien em Viena (2012), Infinitesimal na carlier | gebauer em Berlim (2010), PhotoEspaña em Madrid (2008), entre outras. Participou de diversas exposições coletivas e Bienais como a 16a Bienal de Sydney (2008), 9a Bienal de Lyon (2007) e 27a Bienal de São Paulo (2006). Já exibiu no MAC - Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon (2014), Helsinki Art Museum (2013), Astrup Fearnley Museet em Oslo (2013), Living Art Museum em Reykjavik (2011), Singapore Art Museum (2009), Museu Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia (2008), ZKM - Museum of Contemporary Art in Karlsruhe (2008), Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (2007) entre outros. Alguns dos prêmios recebidos são: Ars Viva 07/08 Sound e o prêmio principal do 51° Festival Internacional de Curtas Metragens de Oberhausen em 2005.